Our Staff

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Unn Laksá, CEO

Unn Laksá has a PhD in Politics from the University of Liverpool. She has extensive experience working on European fisheries and aquaculture research projects as well as other projects within the ‘blue’ bioeconomy. She was work package leader in the EU H2020 project ClimeFish, where she was responsible for risk assessment and socio-economic analysis. She also co-ordinated the Nordic project ‘Everything ashore’ and has been working on the EU FP7 project MareFrame, H2020 projects FarFish and NextGenProteins and Horizon Europe project MarineSabres. She is currently leading the work on business and socio-economic analysis, profitability and exploitation in the EU H2020 project Aquavitae and the work on techno-economic and socio-economic assessment in the Horizon Europe SeaMark.

Email: unn@sjokovin.fo

Skype: unnlaksa

Mobile: +298 558500